Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Usually Tuesdays in our shop are pretty quiet, which is always nice because the weekends are generally pretty busy. Today to fill in the time I went to Kutchan on my break I had to go to the bank, which I was pretty happy to have done on my own but still with the help of a note written in Japanese by Koji.

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This is a map of the area I'm in. The A is Kutchan, and Mt. Niseko Annapuri is where I ski.

I also spent a lot of time researching Ski boots as I am struggling with a but of shin bang at the moment. For those of you who don't ski or don't know what shin bang is, it's basically really sore shins caused by a combination of my boots and me landing awkwardly off jumps.
This is the boot I'm thinking of getting, possibly super cheap through work.

Apart from that my day was pretty relaxed. This always a plus on Tuesdays as it allows me to prepare myself mentally for darts. We (The Ninja's) play every Tuesday, and our record so far is 2 and 2. By my calculations I think this puts us under a little pressure to keep winning if we wanna make finals, but it is possible. Our team (Koji, Lachy, Billy, Kenta and Myself) had a bit of a slow start to the season but are looking as if were just warming up.

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