Monday, February 8, 2010

Rusutsu, Saporro Ice Festival, Bored at Unitas

The last week has actually been pretty eventful, in a good way. Last week I was lucky enough to be included in a trip to Rusutsu (one of the other mountains nearby). Rusutsu doesn't get as much snow as here in Niseko but I pretty sure it is just because Rusutsu is so much steeper, so the snow doesn't hold as well. Having said this, on Thursday me and the boys were still waist deep for a lot of the day. It was a good trip, we had two cars, six guys and a photographer. I haven't seen many of the photo's yet but I have been told they look pretty good.

On Friday I joined the staff trip to the Saporro Ice Festival. It basically entails, lots of snow and ice sculptures, live performances and lots of food stalls. It was a pretty cool festival, all the sculptures were or at least seemed as if great care was taken in their creation and some of them were so intricate I was amazed that anyone would have had the patience.

Might be a little hard to make out but this sculpture has a whole bunch of different animals in it a Bear and a Gorilla being most prominent.


This was one of the stranger things I saw, a little girl in a galss box playing keyboard. She was good, just didn't really understand why she was in a box?

The other night we were getting a little bored at home. To remedy this we built a little jump out the front of our house, so I took some photo's.

Kenta throwing a 180

There are lots more photo's but my internet is being difficult, so if you wanna see them you'll have to check them out on my Facebook.

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